Welcome to the Biggerplate Developer Hub!

Welcome to the newly launched Developer Hub for Biggerplate.com! This shiny new part of the Biggerplate empire represents a new and exciting next phase for our mind map community, and we're excited to have you join us here!

The development of an API for Biggerplate.com has been a long time coming, but after a lot of hard work (and a few wrong turns), we've got the first version of our API up and running, and we can't wait to see what our developer friends around the world can do with it!

Our goal in creating this API is to enable developers to add huge value to their applications by calling upon the core functionality of our extensive mind map library and community. Initially, we primarily see this being achieved by enabling you to integrate upload and download functionality within your application, enabling your users to seamlessly push and pull mind map content to/from our online map library.

Want to extend the range of templates you provide for users within your application? Why not call upon thousands of user-submitted, community rated, and software specific templates and examples from our library? Now you can.

Want to build greater visibility for your application by encouraging your users to share their mind map creations with the wider world? How about a seamless, fully integrated one click upload to the Biggerplate mind map library? Now you can.

We know there are thousands more possibilities that we have not even considered, and that's what makes this next stage even more exciting for us. We hope to not only work with our existing software partners, but also independent developers and (as yet) unknown geniuses that can help us make the resources at Biggerplate.com even more widely available!

This API has been made possible by some extraordinary work by the two guys that will be here to help you as you start to work with our API. Going forward you'll be supported by Robert Pitt and Nick Carpenter from our team, who will be on hand to work with you, and help you get the most out of the API! As the non-technical representative of the group, I can only vaguely fathom the challenges that Nick and Rob have tackled in putting this together, and I hope you'll all support them going forward as they work to build out documentation, fix bugs, and deal with all the things that will inevitably arise! I'd ask you all to engage fully with the comments, reporting, and discussion options that we have put together here, so that we can provide the best possible support and response for you as developers.

Thank you for taking the time to visit our new Developer Hub... now don't go anywhere... there's magic to be made!

Let's get going!

Liam Hughes
Founder: Biggerplate.com
(Not Robert Pitt as it suggests...)
